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Use the cell phone to find out how much plastic you consume

These two apps will help you find out how much plastic you create and how to reduce it

'Breaking Barriers' for those with disabilities

Available for use on Android and iOS applications markets

Firechat, an app without Internet

They have created an app to talk privately and without Internet

4.0 App-App Store for Industry Appap Definiciones de app sustantivo a self-contained program or piece of software designed to fulfill a particular purpose; an application, especially as downloaded by a user to a mobile device. apparently there are these n

IK4-Ikerlan is a leading center in the field of knowledge transfer and the incorporation of competitive value to the company

Create a Chatbot without an expert

Chatbota is a kind of artificial intelligence, which can be automatically chat with internet users. Likewise, it is also able to answer the questions that are made

Invisible Boyfriend / Girlfriend or virtual partner

An app that helps you avoid inadequate questions and think about a relationship