
Custom avatars on WhatsApp (I)

Meta's messaging service already offers the ability to recreate yourself and thus animate your messages and chats.

It is not very clear why it took them so long to do this, but WhatsApp has already warned that the option to create a custom avatar is in the works. In any case, it was only a matter of time. In fact, this messaging service is part of the Meta conglomerate run by Facebook, and that social network has been offering this option to its users for a few years now.

Behind it was Instagram, which in less than a year offers this option, although it remains hidden and its main users were the most experienced creators of stories. For the rest of the notes, comments or news, it's not worth much at the moment.

And now it is WhatsApp that is launched in this field. At the moment this option is only available in WhatsApp Beta for Android, and as long as you have version or later versions of this app on your mobile.

It should also be noted that the implementation of this new function will be done by neighborhood, by area. This is a gradual rollout that will take time to reach everyone. And when the tests are over and the bugs corrected, the rest of us mortals will be able to enjoy the new fever of portraying themselves as cartoons. This avatar can be edited with all clothes and accessories.

The way members of the exclusive beta club can start experimenting with this option is very simple.

In the WhatsApp options menu, on the three-dot icon at the top-right corner of the screen, click Settings. When the new menu is displayed, the Avatar option should appear. If not, it is not available for that version or zone. If you see it, click on it.

From this third menu, click Create and follow the instructions. Once the avatar is created, which can be edited by changing the appearance, face, clothes and accessories as the process progresses, it is saved and that's it. From there, it can be set as a photo or profile picture or used to create stickers to bomb contacts.

This avatar is intended to be in 3D; so joining the Metaverse promoted by Mark Zuckerberg is not far off.


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